REACH: Get movin’

REACH: Get movin

By Maren C. Stewart

I am excited to announce the launch of our statewide Colorado Get Movin Challenge to help motivate thousands of Coloradans to kick-start a healthier lifestyle through physical activity while also demonstrating that we are the most active state in the nation.

As Coloradans, we are proud of the active lifestyle our state offers. Yet, according to a study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, only 52 percent of Colorado adults achieve the recommended 30 minutes of daily activity, and 18 percent reported no physical activity during the last month.

The Colorado Get Movin Challenge, which is supported by the State of Colorado and sponsored by Kaiser Permanente, provides free online tools to encourage Coloradans to make a concerted and collective effort to being active during the month of August, with the goal to engage in physical activity for an average of 30 minutes a day for 30 days. Anyone can participate at any level, as all of the minutes tracked will contribute to the states accumulated total.

Registration for the Challenge is underway at, where you can log your daily activity. Official activity tracking for the Challenge will run Aug. 1 30. After signing-up, you can easily log your time spent doing any physical activity biking, hiking, walking around the office, dancing around the house, gardening and more as well as share your progress with friends on social media.

As a participant, you will receive frequent motivational support, tips and reminders that will help you move throughout the month and start some new healthy habits that will be sustained even after completion of the challenge. You will also be eligible for prizes based on the number of days you participate over the month-long period. Individuals who log their activity for 15 to 29 days will receive a Colorado Get Movin hat; those who participate for all 30 days will receive a Colorado Get Movin Tech-Tee; and all participants will be eligible for weekly random-drawing prizes and grand prizes, including a Pedal the Plains entry, Vail Epic Pass, two-night stay at a downtown Denver hotel and Fitbit Flex.

For more information about the Colorado Get Movin Challenge or to register, please visit You can stay up-to-date with weekly prize giveaways and challenge progress by liking LiveWell Colorado on Facebook, following us on Twitter and Instagram (@livewellco), and using #COgetmovin to tag your challenge photos and progress.

Thank you, in advance, for your participation. Im confident that together we can make Colorado the most active state in the nation!

Maren C. Stewart, JD, APR, is President and CEO of LiveWell Colorado.
